Annual December Ramp Blitz
December Ramp Blitz for 2021 saw Enable Madison County volunteers install 14 wheelchair ramps and repair three ramps. Volunteers spent close to 100 hours in the CASA Warehouse preparing for the December builds. The weather was not kind to our teams this December, but despite that, they were still willing to get out and make the builds happen. Our ramp teams invested more than 500 hours during the busiest time of year to make it all possible.
We had 11 teams participating in the 2021 Blitz, and while unable to build all of the wheelchair ramps on our waiting list, we have had multiple teams build in January. Our volunteers know the importance of how this service helps our aging and homebound neighbors, and they are diligent in their efforts. We also applaud our ramp sketchers, ramp team leads, ramp teams, and warehouse volunteers for all of their hours spent throughout the year to keep our clients independent, safe, and living with dignity in their homes.
Also, a thank you to our donors who support our mission and help us purchase the necessary supplies and materials to meet the needs of our community. As the cost of the materials has gone up and has remained high, we have appreciated the financial contributions to keep up with the increased expenses.
If you have a group looking to give back to the community, please consider creating a team to build wheelchair ramps in Madison County with CASA. Our ramp teams create their schedules and select the builds they want based on their preferences. This opportunity is very flexible for busy schedules. We provide training through our CASA-trained volunteers. It would be great to get you and your team started soon! Give C.J. a call in the CASA office to find out more or email him at