Team Leader for the Enable Madison County Garden

The Enable Madison County Vegetable Garden is one of the oldest community gardens, volunteer driven in the state of Alabama.  The Garden is located at 4725 Bob Wallace Avenue and is a garden that is planted, maintained, harvested and distributed by volunteers. All produce from the garden is delivered to our elderly and homebound clients throughout Madison County.  The Garden requires volunteers who are knowledgable about vegetable growing and maintaining a large garden to help lead groups of volunteers who are typically untrained and less knowledgable.  A garden team leader is a volunteer who is active as a volunteer in the Enable Madison County Vegetable Garden.  This volunteer is familiar with the location of tools and other vital areas of the garden, so when directions for work is given they can direct others in the tasks.  Team leaders are only needed on occassion to lead groups outside of scheduled garden hours or to assist the Garden Coordinator. 

If interested, volunteers should speak to the Garden Coordinator about beginning their training.

Interests: gardening, garden, landscaping, planting


Description: lead volunteer groups at the Enable Madison County Garden


Good for: individuals with good team leading skills and an interest in gardening 

When: spring and summer months

Time Commitment: 1 or 2 evenings a month

What you need: ability to bend, squat, lift

Training: Volunteer will meet with a member of the Enable Madison County Garden committee to learn about Enable Madison County Garden layout, procedures

Job Details: During inclement Weather: If thunderstorms or lightning develop while volunteers are working, Team Leader will direct the volunteers to leave the Garden immediately. If there are thunderstorms or lightning prior to the volunteer groups arrival, the Enable Madison County office will contact the Team Leader before canceling groups. Garden Leader will meet at the Enable Madison County Garden on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons before volunteers arrive; leader will stay until all volunteers leave and lock gate before leaving. Team Leader will provide a volunteer orientation including garden orientation, all volunteer paperwork, waivers etc., check in volunteers, supervise volunteer garden work, assign tasks to volunteers from chore chart in shed, supervise the assigned tasks for proper follow through, and prepare produce for delivery including weighing produce and recording all produce in vegetable log. If volunteers are delivering, prepare mixed bags of produce for delivery and assign client homes to deliver produce, conduct volunteer check out including thanking volunteers, providing any paperwork and Enable Madison County postcard, etc. and conduct garden clean up at end of shift including putting away tools and cleaning up any trash and produce around Garden.

Contact: By Email at or by Phone at 256-533-7775

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