Compete to become .

Enable Madison County invites committed corporate supporters to join our mission of empowering the homebound to live independently, safely, and with dignity. Become an ENABLE WARRIOR by completing THREE TASKS between September 2024 and March 2025.
  • Collect points from provided tasks.
  • The top performer in each task will be honored as the ENABLE WARRIOR for that task.
  • One ELITE WARRIOR will be crowned based on the highest overall points earned, earning bragging rights until the next year!
  • Winners will be announced and featured at Enable’s annual A Night for Enable Fundraiser.
  • Tie breakers and bonus points are available, to keep everyone on our toes!

Stay Connected

  • A digital tracker will be shared throughout the campaign for participants to monitor their standings and share progress.

Important Details

  • To be eligible for any Warrior title you must meet the minimum point requirement for that task. A rubric will be provided so you can easily track your points!
  • To compete for the Elite Warrior title, your team must qualify in all categories.
  • Training is provided for all services, and lead volunteers or staff will be available onsite for projects.
  • We kindly ask that all teams take photos and provide them to Enable at Label them “Corporate Warrior Photos: (Insert Company Name and Event).  We’ll do writeups, newsletter articles, share with the media, post online, create digital blogs and utilize these for a special presentation at A Night for Enable. The more you provide, the more we’ll promote your commitment to the community.
  • Additional Opportunities may arise through the year, your Board Host will keep your posted.

Provide a ramp for a homebound resident of Madison County, AL.

  • Sponsor one wheelchair ramp ($1500) in Madison County. 25 points
  • Bonus Points Option: Receive extra points for each additional ramp sponsorship you can acquire by September 30th. 5 additional points per sponsorship max 25 additional points can be earned

By sponsoring a ramp, you’ll have the unique opportunity to be prominently featured on a plaque installed on a new ramp build.

Enable a Madison County resident to safely access their home.
(choose one or both options)

Wheelchair Ramp Option

  • Volunteer to build your sponsored wheelchair ramp. This includes helping load supplies at the warehouse with an Enable lead volunteer. Complete volunteer opportunity. 15 points
  • Fill a complete team with your volunteers (10 people) to build your sponsored ramp. A minimum of 8 people is needed for the ramp build. 1 point per volunteer for max 10 points


Grab Bar/Handrail Install Option

  • Commit a pair of volunteers to train and install grab bars/handrails. 10 points
  • Complete installs at three client homes. 15 points
  • Bonus Point Option: Receive extra points for each additional client home completed. 5 additional points per client home, max 25 additional points can be earned

(choose one, choose several, or mix and match from below options)

Garden Option (February – March)

  • Volunteer a team to help in the garden. Complete volunteer opportunity. 5 points
  • Fill a complete team with your volunteers (5 people). 1 point per volunteer for max 5 points
  • Sponsor a garden bed ($350) and be prominently featured on a plaque on the bed in the garden. 5 points


Yellowhammer Fundraiser Option (Feb 13):

  • Commit (5 people) to attend Yellowhammer Fundraiser on February 13th. 2 points for every ticket purchased for maximum of 10 points. Every point earned above the 10 points, they will be used toward any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.
  • Bring donations for client closet (Needs List is Available). ½ (.5) point for every item brought for maximum of 10 points per company. Every point earned over the 10-point maximum will be used toward in any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.


Host a Collection Drive or Other Employee/Company Initiated Fundraiser Option: (Flexible Start Date – March)*

  • Choose Enable as your holiday charity, host a supply drive, or plan any custom event for Enable to bring additional support to our clients. 10 points
  • Raise enough funds to sponsor 6 months ($540 – $1079) or 12 months ($1080+) of deliveries for 1 client. Earn 5 points (6 months) or 10 points (12 months)
  • Bonus Point Option: Receive extra points for each additional month ($90) of supplies your event funds. 1 additional point per month, max 10 additional points can be earned. Every point earned over the 10-point maximum will be used toward in any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.


Sponsor A Night for Enable

  • Sponsor* A Night for Enable as a Bronze ($1500), Silver ($3000), or Gold ($6,000). Earn 10 points (bronze), 15 points (silver) or 20 points (gold)

Boost Your Points By Becoming A Digital Warrior

Support our mission by sharing from our social media pages monthly. Keep track of your shares and let us know! Earn one point for every post you share from our Instagram or Facebook accounts. These points will not only help determine our Digital Warrior but will also serve as a tiebreaker for any of the main categories.

Double Your Points! Create your own social media posts about participating in activities with Enable Madison County and tag us to earn double points!

  • Earn the most points for any task to qualify for Warrior of Philanthropy, Independence, Safety or Dignity.
  • Ready to become The Elite Warrior?
    • Collect the minimum points required in each task – Warrior of Philanthropy, Independence, Safety AND Dignity.
      • Don’t forget about tie breakers, bonus points and the Digital Warrior bonus!
    • Fill a table at A Night for Enable (April 10)
*Sponsorships include 8 tickets or 1 table of seats.
  • Collect points from provided tasks.
  • The top performer in each task will be honored as the ENABLE WARRIOR for that task.
  • One ELITE WARRIOR will be crowned based on the highest overall points earned, earning bragging rights until the next year!
  • Winners will be announced and featured at Enable’s annual A Night for Enable Fundraiser.
  • Tie breakers and bonus points are available, to keep everyone on our toes!

Stay Connected

  • A digital tracker will be shared throughout the campaign for participants to monitor their standings and share progress.

Important Details

  • To be eligible for any Warrior title you must meet the minimum point requirement for that task. A rubric will be provided so you can easily track your points!
  • To compete for the Elite Warrior title, your team must qualify in all categories.
  • Training is provided for all services, and lead volunteers or staff will be available onsite for projects.
  • We kindly ask that all teams take photos and provide them to Enable at Label them “Corporate Warrior Photos: (Insert Company Name and Event).  We’ll do writeups, newsletter articles, share with the media, post online, create digital blogs and utilize these for a special presentation at A Night for Enable. The more you provide, the more we’ll promote your commitment to the community.
  • Additional Opportunities may arise through the year, your Board Host will keep your posted.

Provide a ramp for a homebound resident of Madison County, AL.

  • Sponsor one wheelchair ramp ($1500) in Madison County. 25 points
  • Bonus Points Option: Receive extra points for each additional ramp sponsorship you can acquire by September 30th. 5 additional points per sponsorship max 25 additional points can be earned

By sponsoring a ramp, you’ll have the unique opportunity to be prominently featured on a plaque installed on a new ramp build.

Enable a Madison County resident to safely access their home.
(choose one or both options)

Wheelchair Ramp Option

  • Volunteer to build your sponsored wheelchair ramp. This includes helping load supplies at the warehouse with an Enable lead volunteer. Complete volunteer opportunity. 15 points
  • Fill a complete team with your volunteers (10 people) to build your sponsored ramp. A minimum of 8 people is needed for the ramp build. 1 point per volunteer for max 10 points


Grab Bar/Handrail Install Option

  • Commit a pair of volunteers to train and install grab bars/handrails. 10 points
  • Complete installs at three client homes. 15 points
  • Bonus Point Option: Receive extra points for each additional client home completed. 5 additional points per client home, max 25 additional points can be earned

Help our homebound stay warm this winter by installing low-cost but effective home weatherization measures.

  • Volunteer to participate in Fall TEMP$ on November 2nd with one volunteer serving as a lead* coordinator for your group. Must complete volunteer opportunity. 15 points
  • Fill a complete team with your volunteers (5 people) to participate in TEMP$. 10 points
  • Bonus Point Option: Receive extra points for each additional team of 5 your company assembles. 5 additional points per team, max 25 additional points can be earned.

*Only one lead is needed per company. 

(choose one, choose several, or mix and match from below options)

Garden Option (February – March)

  • Volunteer a team to help in the garden. Complete volunteer opportunity. 5 points
  • Fill a complete team with your volunteers (5 people). 1 point per volunteer for max 5 points
  • Sponsor a garden bed ($350) and be prominently featured on a plaque on the bed in the garden. 5 points


Yellowhammer Fundraiser Option (Feb 13):

  • Commit (5 people) to attend Yellowhammer Fundraiser on February 13th. 2 points for every ticket purchased for maximum of 10 points. Every point earned above the 10 points, they will be used toward any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.
  • Bring donations for client closet (Needs List is Available). ½ (.5) point for every item brought for maximum of 10 points per company. Every point earned over the 10-point maximum will be used toward in any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.


Host a Collection Drive or Other Employee/Company Initiated Fundraiser Option: (Flexible Start Date – March)*

  • Choose Enable as your holiday charity, host a supply drive, or plan any custom event for Enable to bring additional support to our clients. 10 points
  • Raise enough funds to sponsor 6 months ($540 – $1079) or 12 months ($1080+) of deliveries for 1 client. Earn 5 points (6 months) or 10 points (12 months)
  • Bonus Point Option: Receive extra points for each additional month ($90) of supplies your event funds. 1 additional point per month, max 10 additional points can be earned. Every point earned over the 10-point maximum will be used toward in any Warrior of Dignity tie breakers, when needed.


Sponsor A Night for Enable

  • Sponsor* A Night for Enable as a Bronze ($1500), Silver ($3000), or Gold ($6,000). Earn 10 points (bronze), 15 points (silver) or 20 points (gold)

Boost Your Points By Becoming A Digital Warrior

Support our mission by sharing from our social media pages monthly. Keep track of your shares and let us know! Earn one point for every post you share from our Instagram or Facebook accounts. These points will not only help determine our Digital Warrior but will also serve as a tiebreaker for any of the main categories.

Double Your Points! Create your own social media posts about participating in activities with Enable Madison County and tag us to earn double points!

  • Earn the most points for any task to qualify for Warrior of Philanthropy, Independence, Safety or Dignity.
  • Ready to become The Elite Warrior?
    • Collect the minimum points required in each task – Warrior of Philanthropy, Independence, Safety AND Dignity.
      • Don’t forget about tie breakers, bonus points and the Digital Warrior bonus!
    • Fill a table at A Night for Enable (April 10)
*Sponsorships include 8 tickets or 1 table of seats.
Competition Officially starts on September 16, however, ramp pledges made prior to this date will count towards the competition.
  • Complete the application on this page.
  • Once your application is received, you will be contacted by the competition staff coordinator to complete your registration.
  • Your Board of Director Host will follow up and maintain contact with you throughout the competition.

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